Our Policy

In accordance with the growing need of the market and of all the involved parties, in terms of product Quality, environmental protection and health and safety of workers, Plastica Valmisa SPA has implemented an Integrated Management System for Quality, Environment, Safety in the Workplace and Food Safety as an indispensable basic tool for the continuous improvement of services rendered to the Customer, as well as for the optimisation of its own performance in the environmental, workplace safety and MOCA safety fields.

In this regard Plastica Valmisa SPA is committed to constantly pursuing and spreading the objectives of constant improvement in Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Food Safety, as an integral part of its activities and as a strategic commitment, taking into consideration internal and external context factors, involved parties, risks and opportunities.

Our Goals

Undertaking and satisfying customers’ needs, granting a product/service that complies with current regulations, as well as the requirements that the company has voluntarily signed up to and performed under conditions that comply with regulations concerning the protection of the environment and the safety of employees, customers and the populations of the territory in which it operates.

  • Achieving and maintaining a primary reputation in terms of quality of products/services offered in its market area.
  • Continuously striving for pollution prevention and for continuous improvement of environmental performance.
  • Adopting occupational health and safety prevention policies, i.e. processes, procedures and responsibilities that support organisational management and the effectiveness of operational action.

In order to reach these objectives, the company Management is committed to the following principles:

  • To document, make operational, maintain our Business Policy and to spread it to all those people who work for or on behalf of the company.
  • To grant the excellence of the product, of the workmanship and of the service rendered to the customer, ensuring technological innovation, always with a gaze towards their needs and to their satisfaction, which is periodically assessed, in order to monitor and implement the necessary actions for improvement.
  • To reach an always increasing competitivity to conquer relevant market quotes through better efficiency and internal processes control.
  • To understand the internal and external issues (context), which affect the company’s ability to achieve the strategic objectives it has set for its management system.
  • To identify all the involved parties, to know their needs and cooperate with them.
  • To define corporate personnel duties and responsibilities and to provide adequate training.
  • To ensure that all workers share and are aware of the Company’s objectives and the responsibilities that each of them has in ensuring their achievement.
  • To promote staff motivation, on every level, by holding periodic meetings to describe the company strategy and the reached goals.
  • To maintain conditions that allow for systematic consultation and, where applicable, participation, of workers and/or external collaborators in improving the performance of the organisation and its integrated management system.
  • To make resources, economic assets and adequate competences available for the proper functioning of Company Management System.
  • To make accountable and to involve adequately qualified and supervised Suppliers in the supply of goods and services, at the quality levels required to guarantee the highest performance standards.
  • To exercise adequate control over the environmental impact of its processes and products, considering a life-cycle perspective where possible.
  • To keep the FSC® paper certification in order to guarantee and witness the commitment to find products made from wood from forests that are managed in a responsible and sustainable way, following elevated environmental, economic and social standards.
  • To improve the environmental performances, implemented both through reduction of waste delivered to the waste stream, and through the self-production of energy needed to power production departments.
  • To ensure that its activities are conducted in strict compliance with current and industry regulations in addition to any other requirements subscribed to.
  • To ensure compliance with the principles of UNI EN ISO 22000:2018, FSSC 22000: V.6 of ISO-TS 22002-2 for the production of packaging suitable for food contact.
  • Verify the application of the established rules, both internal and external, for compliance with current legislation on MOCA (EC Reg. 1935/2004) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP, EC Reg. 2023/06) applied to the production process, resulting in continuous training of employees on the subject.
  • To make sure to keep updated our management system according to legal and technical evolutions.
  • To provide a safe and healthy place of work to prevent injuries and occupational illnesses.
  • To eliminate sources of danger and reduce risks to workers’ health and safety, consistent with evolving technical and economic possibilities.
  • To continuously improve its efficiency by setting goals and targets for improvement involving the company’s management system, verifying their achievement, evaluating any deviations and taking timely actions to reduce potential risks to the organisation.
  • To continuously promote actions and activities, in order to bring about continuous improvement, with regard to environmental quality and occupational health and safety aspects.
  • To prevent and manage situations that could compromise the safety of our products by applying a food fraud plan to protect the vulnerability of raw materials and finished products.
  • To ensure constant guarding against possible threats to site and product with a food defence planning consistent with company management.

The application of this policy requires the business system to be documented with norms that allow to coordinate all the activities concerning Quality, Environment protection, and aspects of health and safety in the workplace. Such activities should be carried out by all functions at all levels necessary to achieve the objectives set.

The company policy must be understood at all levels of the company’s organisational structure and is therefore distributed to all persons in the company, posted on the notice board for visitors and is readily available to anyone who requests it.

“Are you our customer? If you want us to know any appreciation, suggestion or problem, please download and fill in the following form.

You can send it by e-mail to: qualita@valmisa.it
Your opinion is priceless. Thank you!”